Forms and handbooks
All Students
- College of Nursing Appeals Form: This form cannot be saved and resumed at a later date. Please be prepared to provide the following information prior to initiating a form submission:
- A brief narrative of the request to be considered, including the reason for the appeal, evidence/support for the appeal, and the desired outcome.
- A single PDF document with any evidence/support you believe would assist the committee in their decision — directions for making a single PDF document.
- Please review the Bullying/Incivility policy adopted by the College of Nursing. If you experience an incident, please submit the Bullying/Incivility Incident Form
- Contract for Completion of Incomplete Coursework
- Request for Course Retake
- Student Injuries: Student Emergency Care for Injury and Illness
- College of Nursing Appeals Form: This form cannot be saved and resumed at a later date. Please be prepared to provide the following information prior to initiating a form submission:
- Handbooks
BSN Students
- College of Nursing Application BSN Essay Form
- Healthcare Related Service Experience Form (NOTE: the requirement for this form is waived for 2021 applications)
- Directed Study Approval
- NCLEX-RN Process
- MSN Students
DNP Students
Petition for Transfer of Graduate Credit
DNP Benchmark for Progression Form
DNP Project Committee Approval Form
DNP Project Clinical Consultant Approval Form
DNP Project Committee Change Form
DNP Change in APRN Specialty Form
DNP Prelim Exam Process and Written Project Proposal Outline (revised 5/9/2018)
DNP Intention to Take Written Preliminary Exam Form
DNP Written Preliminary Exam Completion Approval Form
DNP Intention to Take Oral Preliminary Exam Form
DNP Oral Preliminary Exam Completion Approval Form
WSU IRB Administration: Human Participant Research forms and submissions requirements
DNP IRB Project Chair Attestation Form
PhD Students
Sequential forms
- Transfer of credit*
- Plan of work*
- Directed study
- BSN to PhD pilot study agreement
- Research residency agreement form
- Research residency evaluation form
- Teaching residency agreement
- Teaching residency evaluation
- Concentration plan
- Potential concentration courses
Annual forms
- Annual review
- BSN-PhD benchmark for advisor form
- MSN-PhD benchmark for advisor form
- Instructions for submitting the Annual Review/Individual Development Plan
Qualifying exams
- PhD qualifying written exam review
- PhD report on oral exam*
- PhD candidacy*
Proposal and final defense
- Manuscript format guidelines
- Proposal defense posting announcement
- Final defense posting announcement
- Prospectus and record of approval*
- Institutional review board (IRB) forms
- Conflict of interest*
- Final defense report*
- Degree completion deadlines
Administrative forms
- Change of advisor
- Time extension*
*These forms must be accessed via the WSU Grad School website; you must log in with your access id and password. When completing forms with faculty member information, be sure to use the faculty member's access id versus a general email address; enter a faculty member's name into WSU's web site search tool to view their access id.
- Distance Learning