Clinical learning labs

Simulation Lab

The College of Nursing's Simulation Lab is a comprehensive innovation learning center that promotes active learning focused on critical thinking, clinical decision making and the meaningful application of nursing practice. Using various types of simulation technologies including high-fidelity human patient simulators, standard patients and virtual immersion, the SIM Lab provides a safe, non-threatening learning environment that promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills for real practice.

The lab incorporates learning and practice using real-world experiences to help students understand reasoning and methodology to build skills in clinical judgment and decision-making. In the SIM Lab, students can engage in a number of well-constructed scenarios intended to match real-world experiences focus areas including disaster management, public health and infection control, mental health, acute and primary care, outreach programming and more.


Cohn Building, rooms 221 and 224
5557 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202


Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
For evening and weekend availability, contact Associate Director of Clinical Learning Labs Katherine Balint.


All simulation activities MUST be scheduled through simulation staff. Internal requests can be scheduled through simulation nurse Gertrud Frommann, RN, CNS, CEN. For external requests, please email the associate director of clinical learning labs at

View complete Simulation Lab policies and procedures.

Tour the lab Use the lab

Skills and physical assessment labs

The College of Nursing's skill and physical assessment labs provide hands-on learning environments to help student's develop clinical skills. The lab consists of six full-sized mannequins, fully functional hospital beds and headwall units. It is also equipped with IV poles and pumps, wheelchairs, a reference library, and a variety of other tools and supplies. In the lab, students have the opportunity to perform and practice skills and procedures needed to develop a strong practice foundation. Students in the lab build on skills and competencies in courses across the curriculum from basic practice skills, including:

  • Head-to-toe assessment
  • Assessing vital signs
  • Medication administration
  • Use of assistive devices
  • Foley and nasal gastric tub insertion

The lab also sets a realistic stage for learning advanced skills and clinical practice in nurse practitioner programs.


Skills Lab: Rooms 217 and 219
Physical Assessment Lab: Rooms 28 and 30

Cohn Building
5557 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202


Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
For evening and weekend availability, contact Associate Director of Clinical Learning Labs Katherine Balint.


Associate director of clinical learning labs

Katherine Balint, DNP, RN, PHRN-A BC, CRRN
Assistant Professor-Clinical
Office: 204 Cohn
Phone: 313-577-0375

Simulation nurse

Gertrud Frommann, RN, CNS, CEN
Office: 221 Cohn, Simulation Laboratory
Phone: 313-577-0466

Simulation technology administrator

Jason Harper, RN
Office: 221 Cohn, Simulation Laboratory
Phone: 313-577-0466