Identification of Noninvasive Biomarkers of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Extremely Preterm Infants
Associate Professor (Clinical), Director of Advanced Practice and Graduate Certificate Programs and Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Specialty Coordinator
Identification of Noninvasive Biomarkers of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Extremely Preterm Infants
My research is focused on improving care of the preterm infant with necrotizing enterocolitis, specifically identifying noninvasive biomarkers that will improve management of infants with this disease in order to improve outcomes and decrease mortality and morbidity.
Program of Research
Leanne Nantais-Smith Ph.D., RN, NNP-BC, College of Nursing Associate Clinical Professor, has focused her research on identification of noninvasive biomarkers to diagnose and validate recovery from necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), an inflammatory bowel disease in extremely preterm infants. Identification of these markers will improve management of infants with NEC and improve outcomes. In an earlier pilot study, Supported by the Office of Health Research Ada Jacox Research Award, explored the feasibility of measuring specific noninvasive biomarkers in small urine and stool samples collected at time of NEC diagnosis. In phase II of the NEC Biomarker study, she intends to expand her biomarker work in a multi-center prospective noninvasive sample collected from extremely preterm infants with NEC.
Current Research
- Noninvasive NEC biomarkers (diagnosis and recovery)
Populations of interests
- Preterm infants
- All populations
- All specialties, focus NNP
- Neonates and families