Leanne Nantais-Smith, PhD, RN, NNP-BC, FAANP
Associate Professor (Clinical), Director of Advanced Practice and Graduate Certificate Programs and Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Specialty Coordinator
240 Cohn, 5557 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202ar2446@wayne.edu
Office hours
By appointment
Research profileLeanne Nantais-Smith, PhD, RN, NNP-BC, FAANP
Bio Sketch
Dr. Nantais-Smith has extensive experience as a neonatal nurse practitioner and has focused her research on the identification of noninvasive biomarkers of necrotizing enterocolitis in extremely preterm infants. She has served as a member of the National Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners Task Force for the 2008 and 2014 published national Education Standards and Curriculum Guidelines for NNP Education. She has also co-authored articles on NNP workforce shortage issues, NICU case reports and case-based education, a continuing education NICU module, and parent decision-making with extremely preterm infants. She is currently a member of the National Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Council (NANNP) and a NANNP liaison to the LACE Network.
- PhD, Wayne State University
- MSN, Wayne State University
- BSN, Michigan State University
Research Interests
- Noninvasive NEC biomarkers
DNP project planning:
- Experienced DNP project chair
- Project proposal development
Project types:
- Quality improvement
- Program evaluation
Theoretical frameworks:
- Health Literate Care Model
- Kolkcaba Theory of Comfort
- Watson's Caring Theory
- Lewin's Change Model
- Logic Model
- Health Literate Care Model
- SMART Objectives
Writing/editing/manuscript preparation:
- Experienced chair and reader
Clinical Area(s) of Expertise
- Development of NNP education standards and curriculum guidelines
- NNP clinical specialty education
- NNP physiology and pathophysiology
- Scope of practice
Selected Publications
Publications (*data based; †with student)
- Nantais-Smith, L.M. & Herrington, C.J. (2016). Chapter 4: "Assessing Growth Parameters in the Newborn: Identifying Abnormal Findings." In Neonatal Advanced Practice Nursing: A Case-Based Learning Approach. Springer Publishing Company: New York
Journal articles:
- Herrington, C.J. & Nantais-Smith, L.M. (2016). "Noninvasive ventilation in the preterm infant." CNE Now! National Association of Neonatal Nurses. Chicago, IL.
Data based:
- Nantais-Smith, L. & Kadrofske, M. (2015). "Non-Invasive Biomarkers of NEC." Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 29(1), January-March.
- Freed, G.L., Dunham, K.M., Martyn, K., Nantais-Smith, L., Moran, L.M., & Spera, L. (2015). "Capacity of, and Demand for, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Educational Programs: A missing piece of the workforce puzzle." Journal of Professional Nursing, 31(4), July-August.
- Kavanaugh, K., Nantais-Smith, L., Savage, T., Schim, S.M., & Natarajan, G. (2014). "Extended Family Support for Parents Faced with Life Support Decisions for Extremely Premature Infants." Neonatal Network, 33(5), September/October 2014. Springer Publishing Company,
Task Force. Contributing Author. (2014, February). Education Standards and Curriculum Guidelines. National Association of Nurses (NANN); Glenview, Illinois. - Freed, G.L., Dunham, K.M., Martyn, K., Nantais-Smith, L., Moran, L.M., & Spera, L. (2013). "Neonatal Nurse Practitioners: Influence on Career Choice." Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 9(2), 82-86.
- Ennis, B. & Nantais-Smith, L. (2010). "Visual Diagnosis: Lower Lumbosacral Cutaneous Lesion in a Newborn." NeoReviews, January 2010; 11:e44.
Articles in collaboration with students:
- Ohns M.J., Oliver-McNeil, S., Nantais-Smith, L. M., & George, N. (2015). "Nonurgent use of the emergency department by pediatric patients: A theory-guided approach for primary and acute care pediatric nurse practitioners." Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 30(4), 339-346.
Honors and Awards
- 2022-2023 Harriet H. Werley Faculty Research Award: "Urine Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein as a Noninvasive Biomarker to Diagnose and Determine Recovery from Necrotizing Enterocolitis."
- Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2022
- 2012-2015 Ada Jacox Research Award and College of Nursing Dean’s Research Award: "Noninvasive Biomarkers of Necrotizing Enterocolitis: A Pilot Study."
- WSU President's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2012
Current Research
- Noninvasive NEC biomarkers (diagnosis and recovery)