Seung Hee Choi, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
350 Cohn, 5557 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202hc0054@wayne.edu
Office hours
Wednesday, 4-5 p.m.
Research profileSeung Hee Choi, PhD, RN
Bio Sketch
As a behavioral scientist and nurse researcher, Dr. Choi has focused on smoking behavior and its impact on health outcomes among underserved populations such as blue collar workers, cancer patients and smoker couples where at least one partner smokes. Dr. Choi has published 26 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals with moderate- to high-impact factors ranging from 0.90 to 5.04. One of her papers has been selected as a Top 10% Most Cited Paper by Plos One in 2019. She has delivered more than 33 presentations at international, national and regional conferences. Dr. Choi has been chosen as a New Investigator Award Winner for Best Abstracts by the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco in 2018 and has co-authored one book chapter about nursing research.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Michigan, 2014
- PhD, University of Michigan, 2012
- MSN, Seould National University, 2008
- BSN, Inha University, 2000
Research Interests
- Smoking behavior and its impact on health outcomes among underserved populations
- Smoking cessation interventions for smoker couples
Selected Publications
- Choi, SH., Templin, T. (in press). Discrete Choice Experiment for Dyadic Data Collection: Eliciting Preferences of Couple-Based Smoking Cessation Interventions. Women’s health Nursing.
- Choi, SH., Templin, T. (2023). College Students’ Preferences for Smoking Cessation Interventions: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Health Education Research. 38(6): 563-574. doi:10.1093/her/cyad035.
- Choi, SH., Templin, T., & Marrocco, A. (2023) Development of an online discrete choice experiment to elicit preferences for tobacco treatment among college students. Journal of American College Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2023.2227715.
- Kim, W., Choi, SH. (2023). Smoking, stress, and health risk behaviors during the early phase of COVID-19 lockdown among residents of Flint, Michigan. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.
- Choi, SH. Stommel, M., Broman, C., Raheb-Rauckis, C. (2022). Age of Smoking Initiation in Relation to Multiple Health Risk Factors Among U.S. Adult Smokers: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data (2006 – 2018). Behavioral Medicine. 2022:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1080/08964289.2022.2060930.
- Choi, SH. (2022). A Systematic Review and Narrative Summary of Couple-based Smoking Cessation Interventions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. doi: 10.1177/02654075211070272.
- Choi, SH., Stommel, M., Ling, J., Noonan, D., Chung, J. (2020). The impact of smoking and multiple health behaviors on all-cause mortality. Behavioral Medicine. 2020:1-8. doi: 10.1080/08964289.2020.1796570.
- Broman, C., Wright, MK., Choi, SH., & Wang, Y. (2020). Heavy substance use in young adulthood. Journal of Substance Use. doi: 10.1080/14659891.2020.176036
- Choi, SH., Ling, J., Noonan, D., Kim, W. (2019). Smoking Behavior and Social Contexts Associated with Smoking Among Dual-Smoker Couples. Public Health Nursing
- Choi, SH., Chan, R., Lehto, RH. (2019). Relationships between smoking status and psychological distress, optimism, and health environment perceptions at time of diagnosis of actual or suspected lung cancer. Cancer Nursing
Honors and Awards
- 2019 Top 10% Most Cited Paper, Plos One: Choi, S. H., Terrell, J. E., Fowler, K. E., McLean, S. A., Ghanem, T., …Duffy, S. A. “Socioeconomic and other demographic disparities predicting survival among head and neck cancer patients”
- 2018 New Investigator Award Winner for Best Abstracts. Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco: Choi, S. H., & Stommel, M. “The role of smoking in the relationship between multiple health behaviors and all-cause mortality among U.S. adults”
Current Research
- 2024-25, Choi, SH. (PI) – WeQuit: An automated, tailored web app for smoker couples. Funded by: STT Lambda Chapter
- 2024-25, Choi, SH. (PI) – Impact of frequency of distributing gift cards on engagement of a web-app for smoking cessation. Funded by: Harriet H. Werley Faculty award
- 2024-25, Choi, SH. (PI) - WeQuit: A pilot trial of a tailored web app for smoker couples. Funded by: University Research Grant