
1930  City College of Detroit establishes a Department of Nursing with Katharine E. Faville, MS, RN as director.

1931  A Bachelor of Science in Nursing is established requiring two years of college and 30 months of training in a hospital school of nursing.

1944-1946  Katharine E. Faville, MS, RN returns to the now Wayne State University as Nursing Department Director. At Faville’s urging and the recommendation of Edna Noble White, president of the Detroit Council of Community Nursing, the Board of Education authorizes the formation of the College of Nursing.

1945  The Wayne State University College of Nursing begins operation. Faville, who left the City College of Detroit in 1934, returns as Nursing Department Director for WSU. It is the first American college to offer a BSN degree covering nursing fundamentals, medical-surgical, maternity, pediatric, psychiatric, public health, principles and methods of teaching, and fundamentals of administration. The College of Nursing Alumni Association is founded the following year.

1946  The curriculum encompasses three programs: the baccalaureate degree, the centralized instruction (non-degree) for contract nurses and the BSN program for RNs.

College of Nursing Alumni Association founded.

1947  Global education begins when the Rockefeller Foundation sponsors nursing students from abroad. The college is the first in the nation to receive Rockefeller funds for international education.

Other funding agencies were the International Cooperation Agency, Kellogg Foundation, World Health Organization, American Nurses Association and National Council of Jewish Women. By 1962, the College had educated 160 foreign nurses.

1952  Ester Benjamin becomes College of Nursing’s first African American faculty member.

1954-1955  The Master of Science in Nursing program is established; on June 12, 1955, the Sigma Theta Tau International Lambda chapter is founded with 54 charter members.

1958-1959  The Katharine Faville Residence and the Helen Newberry Joy Residence - WSU's first residence halls - are dedicated.

On November 18, 1959, the Richard A. Cohn Building, named for the late Detroit publishing magnate, opens as the home of the College of Nursing, financed through a 1956 gift from the Detroit Hospital Fund and the Richard Cohn Fund.

1962  Contracts with Dillard and Tuskegee universities pave the way for the development of partnerships to prepare African-American nurse faculty.

1965  Margaret L. Shetland, EdD, RN, FAAN is appointed as second dean of the WSU College of Nursing.

1969  The Center for Health Research, the first of its kind to be affiliated with an educational institution, is chartered, with Harriet Werley, PhD, RN, FAAN, as its first director. Faculty members Mabel Wandelt and Virginia Cleland prepared a grant proposal resulting in funding from the HRSA Division of Nursing Research to support the Center. 

Later that year, the first Research Day is held at the college for faculty and students to present their research findings. The Learning Resource Center also opens featuring computer-assisted instruction, videotaped lessons and learning modules in nursing fundamentals.

1973  Margretta Styles, EdD, RN, FAAN is named the third dean of the WSU College of Nursing.

1974  The Office of Community Services and Educational Services is instituted by director Dorothy Reilly, EdD, RN, FAAN to operate the MSN program, extending the College of Nursing reach to Flint, Grand Rapids, northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. The National Institutes of Health and the Kellogg Foundation provide funding from 1977 to 1987.

Ruth Morrissey, MSN, RN becomes the first director of the Office of Student Services, known today as the Office of Student Affairs.

1975  A doctoral program in nursing is offered, with funding from the Division of Nursing. The Physical Assessment Learning laboratory is created, also through funding from the Division of Nursing.

1976  Lorene Fischer, MA, RN, FAAN is named the fourth dean of the College of Nursing.

1976  The college appoints Bernice Morton, PhD, RN as its first Affirmative Action Officer.

1986  Gloria Smith, PhD, RN, FAAN is appointed as fifth dean of the College of Nursing.

1989  The State of Michigan Board of Nursing approves the College of Nursing Second Career Second Degree program, creating an accelerated BSN curriculum for students who already hold a bachelor's degree or higher and wish to pursue a career in nursing.

1990  Joint positions are established at the College in partnership with the Detroit Medical Center.

1996  Edythe S. Hough, EdD, RN, FAAN is appointed as sixth dean of the College of Nursing.

Established The Distinguished Alumni Award.

Nurse Scholars Society Founded.

1997  The first endowed nursing professorship is established at the College: The Katharine Faville Professor of Nursing Research.

1998  Barbara K. Redman, PhD, RN, FAAN, is named the seventh dean of the College of Nursing.

Michigan Academic Consortium: Nurse Managed Primary Care, in partnership with other state universities, is funded by the Kellogg Foundation (1998-2003).

2000  The Elizabeth Schotanus Professor of Pediatric Nursing is established in partnership with Children's Hospital of Michigan. 

2001  The LifeLine Awards are established to honor individual contributions to health care in our region, state and nation. Ada Jacox, PhD, RN, FAAN, Distinguished Professor Emerita and alumna, is the first honoree. The function becomes the largest annual fundraising event for the College of Nursing.

2002  Recruitment of doctoral and post-doctoral international students intensifies. Partnerships are initiated with nursing schools in Jordan, Thailand and Brazil.

2003  The college partners with the Detroit Medical Center to establish the Center for Clinical Research to encourage the use of evidence-based practice.

A Health Care Summit is held with key corporate, governmental and industrial leaders to address the impact of the nursing shortage on the greater community and to raise money to add faculty in order to increase enrollment.

2004  Nurse Midwifery program is created.

The Nursing Skills Lab is completed.

2005  A Center for Clinical Research is established in collaboration with the Henry Ford Health System.  

The college opens its first state-of-the-art distance learning classroom.

2006 The college's doctoral program is ranked fifth in America based on the Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index as reported by New York-based Academic Analytics.

The college partners with William Beaumont Hospitals to create a Center for Clinical Research.

2007  The Nurse Midwifery program receives full accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME).

The Nurse Midwifery program graduates its first class.

The college's simulation lab is opened.

2008  The Doctorate in Nursing Practice program is established.

The college is instrumental in assisting with the establishment and operation of Mitch Albom's S.A.Y. Detroit Family Health Clinic, a free clinic devoted to homeless and uninsured women and children.

2010  The biophysical lab opens, giving faculty and graduate students the space and equipment necessary to make biological and physical measures that support their behavioral studies.

The College of Nursing and School of Medicine receive a federal grant from HRSA, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to create a statewide Area Health Education Council to improve access to high quality primary care in the state and reduce health disparities in underserved areas.

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree program at the Wayne State University College of Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org).

2011  The College of Nursing installs and deploys the first Video Conferencing Network Bridge on Wayne's campus, allowing faculty, students and collaborators to hold conferences from anywhere in the world with a data connection.

Wayne State starts Dual-Enrollment Program.

The College of Nursing Alumni Professorship is established with gifts from numerous alumni and friends of the college.

2015  Laurie Lauzon Clabo, PhD, RN, FAAN, is named the eighth dean of the college.

2017  U.S. News & World Report ranks the College of Nursing among the top D.N.P and M.S.N programs in the nation and #2 in Michigan.

The College of Nursing is one of only 28 nursing schools nationwide to receive the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholars award.

2018  College of Nursing's C2 Pipeline program earns AdvancED STEM accreditation.

2019  The College of Nursing’s D.N.P. and M.S.N. programs have been ranked by U.S. News and World Report’s 2020 Best Graduate Schools among the top 20% in the country: DNP ranked #35 and MSN ranked #43 while also being #2 in Michigan.

College of Nursing receives $6.2 million in funding.

Wayne State University nursing students serving the Oakland County Health Division as part of a four-year partnership program focusing on recruiting and training nursing students.

2020  Ramona Benkert, PhD, ANP-BC, FAANP appointed as interim dean.

College of Nursing receives $7.6 million in external funding.

Wayne State University, College of Nursing and other partners to provide tech-enabled health care for Detroit’s low-income seniors.

2021  Dalia Khalil, Ph.D., RN, assistant professor in the College of Nursing, awarded a two-year, $161,451 grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Health used to expand research on immigrant Arab American parents and families.

College of Nursing receives a $1.6 million grant from the state Department of Health and Human Services to educate more mental health and psychiatric nurse practitioners.

WSU nursing students, faculty assist 2nd round of vaccinations boosting prevention for Detroit’s homeless population.

2022  Wayne State University Board of Governors approves the university's 2022-27 strategic plan, "Our Moment in Time" which prioritizes student success and the institution's impactful engagement with the city of Detroit and surrounding communities.

2024  College of Nursing reaches a 100% success rate at NCLEX.

2025  College of Nursing celebrates its 80th anniversary with a series of events.