Statistical methodologies, health care economics and financing health care
Statistical methodologies, health care economics and financing health care
Program of Research
In various roles as a principal investigator, co-investigator, statistician or consultant, Dr. Yarandi is responsible for assisting in formulating specific aims, research hypotheses, designs, power analysis, sample size determination, data and statistical analysis, and data interpretation. Through extensive consultation and collaboration with health professionals, he employs an in-depth knowledge of the application of various theories and methodological and design issues. As an author and co-author, Dr. Yarandi addresses research methodology and various topics such as family and adolescent health (diabetes, HIV/AIDS and cancer), disease prevention, health promotion, and health disparities research with a focus on understanding the complex associations between race, health and health care. His knowledge of econometrics gives a unique advantage of being able to examine important cost issues relative to health care delivery.
Current Research
Dr. Yarandi's current research focuses on topics including statistical methodology, health care economics and financing health care. He is in collaboration with researchers on projects related to smoking cessation, pathogenesis of sleep disorder, breathing in spinal cord injury patients, heart as a sensory organ, cardiovascular consequences of traumatic brain injury, and the effect of insomnia treatment on patients with spinal cord injury.