Amanda Missel, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor
376 Cohn, 5557 Cass Ave. Detroit, MI 48202hu1023@wayne.edu
Office hours
By appointment
Research profileAmanda Missel, PhD, RN
Bio Sketch
Dr. Amanda Missel’s work focuses on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Her research utilizes her extensive background in patient education and has focused on optimizing the role of lay rescuers and telecommunicator CPR. She was named the University of Michigan Clinical Simulation Center Scholar of the Year in 2023 and awarded the Annals of Emergency Medicine CME article of the month in June 2023.
- Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Michigan Medical School, 2020-24
- PhD, University of Michigan, 2020
- MS in Community Health Nursing, University of Michigan, 2010
- BSN, University of Michigan, 2009
Research Interests
- Lay rescuer response to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
- Gender and racial disparities in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest care
- Telecommunicator CPR
Selected Publications
- Missel, A.L., Saslow, L.R. Griauzde, D.H, Marvicsin, D. Sen, A., Richardson, C.R., Liu, X. (2021). Association between fasting insulin and C-Reactive Protein among adults without diabetes using a two-part model: NHANES 2005-2010. BMC Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, 13(29). doi:10.1186/s13098-021-00645-4
- Missel, A.L., O’Brien, A. V, Maser, H., Kanwal, A., Bayandorian, H., Martin, S., Carrigan, P., McNamee, R., Daubenmier, J., Isaman, D. J. M., Padmanabhan, V., Smith, Y. R., Aikens, J. E., Saslow, L. R. (2021). Impact of an online multicomponent very low-carbohydrate program in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A pilot study. Fertility and Sterility Reports, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xfre.2021.08.008
- Dowker SR, Smith G, O'Leary M, Missel AL, Trumpower B, Hunt N, Herbert L, Sams W, Kamdar N, Coulter-Thompson EI, Shields T, Swor R, Domeier R, Abir M, Friedman CP, Neumar RW, Nallamothu BK; Emergent Health Partners Collaborators (2022). Assessment of telecommunicator cardiopulmonary resuscitation performance during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest using a standardized tool for audio review. Resuscitation. 178. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2022.04.015
- Missel, A.L., Donnelly, J.P., Tsutsui, J., Wilson, N., Friedman, C., Rooney, D.M., Neumar, R.W., Cooke, J.M. (2023). Effectiveness of lay bystander hands-only CPR on a mattress versus the floor: A randomized cross-over trial. Annals of Emergency Medicine. 81(6). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annemergmed.2023.01.012
- Missel, A.L., Dowker, S.R., Chiola, M., Platt, J., Tsutsui, J., Kasten, K., Swor, R., Neumar, R.W., Hunt, N., Herbert, L., Sams, W., Nallamothu, B.K., Shields, T., Coulter-Thompson, E.I., Friedman, C.P. (2023) Barriers to the initiation of telephone-CPR during 9-1-1 OHCA calls: A qualitative study. Prehospital Emergency Care. https://doi.org/10.1080/10903127.2023.2183533
- Missel, A.L., Dowker, S.R., Dzierwa, D., Krein, S.L., Coulter-Thompson, E.I., Williams, M., Trumpower, B., Swor, R., Hunt, N., Friedman, C.P. (2023). Factors impacting treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A qualitative study of emergency responders. Journal of the American Heart Association. 12(10) https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.122.027756
- Saslow, L.R., Missel, A.L., O-Brien, A., Kim, S., Hecht, F.M., Moskowitz, J.T., Bayandorian, H., Pietrucha, M., Raymond, K., Richards, B., Liestenfeltz, B., Mason, A.E., Daubenmier, J., Aikens, J.E. (2023) Psychological support strategies for adults with type 2 diabetes in a very low-carbohydrate web-based program: A randomized controlled trial. JMIR Diabetes. 8, e44295 doi: 10.2196/44295
- Missel, A.L., Drucker, C.J., Kume, K., Shin, J., Hergert, L., Neumar, R., Kudenchuk, P.J., Rea, T. (2023) Association Between Bystander Physical Limitations, Delays in Chest Compression During Telecommunicator-Assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Outcome After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation.188 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2023.109816
- Dowker, S.R., Downey, M.L., Majhail, N.K., Scott, I.G., Mathisson, J., Rizk, D., Trumpower, B., Yake, D., Williams, M., Coulter-Thompson, E.I., Brent, C.M., Smith, G.C., Swor, R., Berger, D.A., Rooney, D.M., Neumar, R.W., Friedman, C.P., Cooke, J.M., Missel, A.L. (2024). Early intranasal medication administration in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Two randomized simulation trials. JACEP. https://doi.org/10.1002/emp2.13100
Honors and Awards
- Best Clinical Research Award, SAEM Midwest Regional Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2023
- University of Michigan Clinical Simulation Center Scholar of the Year, 2023
- Annals of Emergency Medicine CME article of the month for June 2023
- Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Rising Stars of Research and Scholarship – nominated by the University of Michigan School of Nursing, 2018
Current Research
- Amanda Missel (PI), Cameron Pinnock, Cynthia Bir, Daniel Maironis, Deborah Rooney, Charles Friedman, Robert Neumar. Telecommunicator Guided Repositioning to the Floor During Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Funding Support: University of Michigan Clinical Simulation Center Research ($15,000) (5/1/2023 – 4/30/2024)
- Amanda Missel (PI) Vitaliy Popov, Robert Neumar, Charles Friedman (2023) OHCA Augmented Reality Scenario Funding Support: Frankel Cardiovascular Center ($25,000) (2023-2024)