Rick Zimmerman, PhD
344 Cohn, 5557 Cass Ave., Detroit, MI 48202eg6288@wayne.edu
Office hours
By appointment.
Research profileRick Zimmerman, PhD
• BS (Sociology) – Stanford University
• MS (Sociology) – University of Wisconsin-Madison
• PhD (Sociology) – University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Interests
• HIV/STD/Teen Pregnancy Prevention
• Models of Health Behavior Change
• Methods to Improve Validity of Self-Reports of Sensitive
Selected Publications
Xu, M. A., Choi, J., Rosenberger, J. G., Zimmerman, R. S., & DiClemente, R. (2024). Determinants of an HIV preventive vaccine among a highly vulnerable population: African men who have sex with men. Vaccines, 12(323). https://doi.oarg.10.3390/vaccines12030323
Jones, M. D., Jones, K. , Almiroll, E., Payne, G., Graves, B., Schneider, J. A., Rijos, D., Zawitz, C., Zimmerman, R., & Brewer, R. (2023). Examining the awareness, acceptability, and adoption of conventional and non-conventional forms of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV
prevention among jail-involved Black sexual minority men (BSMM) and Black transgender women (BTW) in two diverse US cities. AIDS and
Behavior, 27, 1304-1313 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10461-022-03866-4
Schwartz, J., Grimm, J., Zimmerman, R., & Clement, M. (2022). Information seeking and MSM’s beliefs about PrEP and condoms. Health Communication, 37(7), 889–896. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2021.1876323
Schwartz, J., Grimm, J., Zimmerman, R., & Clement, M. (2021).Exploring perceptions of healthcare providers’ communication skill and PrEP use in men who have sex with men. Communication Research Reports, 38(4), 262–271 https://doi.org/10.1080/08824096.2021.1943343
Zimmerman, R.S., Mehrotra, P., Madden, T. et al. (2021). The value of assessing self-reported and biological indicators of outcomes in evaluating HIV programs. Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 18, 365–376. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11904-021-00560-3
Poteat, T., Mayo-Wilson, L.J., Pereira, N., Wright, B. N., Smout, S. A., Sawyer, A. N., Cathers, L., Zimmerman, R. S., Grigsby, S. R., &
Benotsch, E. G. (2021). U.S. transgender women’s preferences for microeconomic interventions to address structural determinants of HIV
vulnerability: a qualitative assessment. BMC Public Health 21, 1394 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-11471-8
Jennings Mayo-Wilson, L., Benotsch, E. G., Grigsby, S. R., Wagner, S., Timbo, F., Poteat, T., Cathers, L., Sawyer, A. N., Smout, S. A., &
Zimmerman, R. S. (2020). Combined effects of gender affirmation and economic vulnerability to HIV: A qualitative analysis among US adult
transgender women. BMC Public Health, 20(782).
Charney, R., Tener, V., Lavin, R., Zimmerman, R. S. & Bender. A. (2019). Ready to respond: A survey of interdisciplinary healthcare students and administrators on disaster management competencies. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 14(6), 705-712. https://DOI:10.1017/dmp.2019.96
Lavin, R., Tener, V., Charney, R., Zimmerman, R. S., & Bender, A. (2019). Zika and Flint water public health emergencies: Disaster training toolkits relevant to pregnant women and children. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 33(3), 229-237.
Won, S., Anderman, E.M., & Zimmerman, R. S. (2019). Longitudinal relations of classroom goal structures to students’ motivation and learning outcomes in health education. Journal of Educational Psychology, Aug 15, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/edu0000399
Honors and Awards
2001 Researcher of the Year, College of Communications and Information Studies, University of Kentucky
1978 Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford University
Current Research
The Collaborative: A Multi-Level Approach to Substance Abuse Treatment & HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Services for Minority Men who Have Sex with Men (MSM). Role: Evaluation Coordinator. PI: Erise Williams, Williams & Associates, Inc., St. Louis, MO; Funder: Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration