Improving outcomes through resiliency in families experiencing cancer

Improving outcomes through resiliency in families experiencing cancer

Cinzia Caparso

Assistant Professor


Improving outcomes through resiliency in families experiencing cancer

Program of Research

Dr. Caparso's program of research is focused on providing mobile communication interventions that engage patients, caregivers, children and health care providers to improve family functioning in families with cancer to engage the process of resiliency so families can holistically meet their basic human needs.

Current Research

Dr. Caparso is currently working on writing a career development award to support the next five years of her research program as she develops a family communication application for use in cancer families. She is being mentored by Dr. Felicity Harper at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, Michigan.

Populations of interests

Young families experiencing cancer in a young parent (e.g., 40+)

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