Nancy Marie Artinian, PhD, RN, FAHA, FPCNA, FAAN
- BSN - Mercy College of Detroit, Detroit, MI
- MSN - Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
- PhD - Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
- Postdoctoral-University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- ANCC: Board-certified Cardiac/Vascular Nurse, 8/01/2003 through 7/31/2008
Research Interests
Cardiovascular health promotion and risk reduction, testing interventions to promote hypertension and cardiovascular self care behaviors.
Clinical Area(s) of Expertise
Cardiovascular Nursing
Selected Publications
Artinian, N. T. (1989). Family member perceptions of a cardiac surgery event. Focus on Critical Care, 16(4), 301-308.
Artinian, N. T. (1990). Strengthening the Roy adaptation model through conceptual clarification. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3(2), 60-64.
Artinian, N. T. (1991). The stress experience of spouses of coronary artery bypass patients during hospitalization and six weeks post discharge. Heart & Lung, 20(1), 52-59.
Artinian, N. T. 1991). Strengthening nurse-family relationships in critical care. AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing, 2(2), 1-7.
Artinian, N. T. (1992). Spouse adaptation to their mate’s CABGS: 1-year follow-up. American Journal of Critical Care, 1(2), 36-42.
Artinian, N. T., & Hayes, M. G. (1992). Factors related to spouse quality of life one year after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Cardiovascular Nursing, 28(4), 33-38.
Artinian, N. T. (1993). Spouses’ perceptions of readiness for discharge after cardiac surgery. Applied Nursing Research, 6(2), 80-88.
Artinian, N. T., & Duggan, C. H. (1993). Patterns of concerns and demands experienced by spouses following coronary artery bypass surgery. Clinical Nursing Research, 2(3), 278-295.
Artinian, N. T., Duggan, C. H., & Miller, P. (1993). Age differences in patient recovery patterns following coronary artery bypass surgery. American Journal of Critical Care, 2(6), 453-461.
Artinian, N. T. (1994). Theoretical models to guide nurse-family interactions in critical care. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 13(1), 4 -13.
Artinian, N. T. (1994). Applying system-based family models: What to look for in assessing critical care families. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 13(1), 14 -16.
Artinian, N. T., & Duggan, C. H. (1995). Sex differences in patient recovery patterns following coronary artery bypass surgery. Heart & Lung, 24(6), 483-494.
Artinian, N. T., Jen, K-L. C., Shreve, W., & Templin, T. (2000). Dietary problem solving skills among older adults with coronary heart disease. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 26(5), 21-29.
Artinian, N. T. (2000). Primary and secondary prevention: Are nurses making a substantial Contribution?—PRO. Nursing Leadership Forum, 5 (1), 4, 7-8.
Artinian, N. T., Washington, O. G. M., Templin, T. N. (2001). Effects of home telemonitoring and community-based monitoring on BP Control in urban African Americans: A pilot study. Heart & Lung, 30, 191-199.
Artinian, N. T. (2001). Perceived barriers and benefits of eating heart healthy. MEDSURG Nursing, The Journal of Adult Health, 10(3). 129-138.
Oliver-McNeil, S., & Artinian, N. T. (2002). Women’s perceptions of personal cardiovascular risk and their risk reducing behaviors. American Journal of Critical Care, 11(3), 221-227.
Artinian, N. T., Magnan, M., Sloan, M., & Lange, M. P. (2002). Self-care behaviors among patients with heart failure. Heart & Lung, 31(3), 161-172.
Artinian, N. T., Magnan, M., Christian, W., & Lange, M. P. (2002). What do patients know about their heart failure? Applied Nursing Research, 15(4), 200-208.
Artinian, N. T., Lange, M. P., Templin, T. N., Stallwood, L. G., & Hermann, C. E. (2003). Functional health literacy in an urban primary care clinic. The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice. 5(3).
Artinian, N. T., Harden, J. K., Kronenberg, M. W., Vander Wal, J. S., Daher, E., Stephens, Q, & Bazzi, R. I. (2003). Pilot study of a web-based compliance monitoring system device for patients with congestive heart failure. Heart & Lung, 32(4), 226-233.
Artinian, N. T. (2003). Psychosocial aspects of heart failure. American Journal of Nursing, 103(12), 32-42.
Artinian, N. T. (2004). Can NPs rely on self-blood pressure measurements? Nurse Practitioner, 29(5), 46-52.
Artinian, N. T. (2004). Innovations in blood pressure monitoring. AJN, 104(8), 52-60.
Artinian, N. T., Nies, M., Schim, S. M., Vander Wal, J. S., Keves-Foster, M. K. (2004). Hypertension and diabetes in Detroit Hispanics. Applied Nursing Research, 17(3), 158-167
Artinian, N. T., Schim, S., Vander Wal, J. S., & Nies, M. (2004). Eating patterns and CVD risk in an Urban Mexican American Population. Public Health Nursing, 21(5), 425-434.
Nies, M. A., Artinian, N. T., Schim, S. M., Vander Wal, J., & Sherrick-Escamilla, S. (2004). Effects of lay health educator interventions on activity, diet, and health risks in an urban Mexican American community. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 25(4). 441-455.
Artinian, N. T., Artinian, C. G., & Saunders, M. (2004). Identifying and treating depression in patients with heart failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(6S), S47-S56. (invited)
Artinian, N. T., Washington, O. G. M., Klymko, K. W., Marburry, C. M., Miller, W. M., & Powell, J. L. (2004). What you need to know about home blood pressure telemonitoring but may not know to ask. Home Healthcare Nurse, 22(10), 680-686.
Artinian, N. T., Froelicher, E. S., Vander Wal, J. S. (2004). Data and safety monitoring during randomized controlled trials of nursing interventions. Nursing Research. 53(6), 414-418.
Nies M. A., Artinian, N. T., Schim, S. M., Vander Wal, J. S., Sherrick-Escamilla, S. (2004). Health risk assessment in an urban Hispanic community. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 18(6), 302-307.
Nies, M. A., VanderWal, J. S., Schim, S. M., Artinian, N. T., & Sherrick-Escamilla, S. (2005). Physical activity in an urban Hispanic community. Hispanic Health Care International, 3(1), 15-20.
Hong, T. B., Franks, M. M., Gonzalez, R., Keteyian, S. J., Franklin, B. A., & Artinian, N. T. (2005). A dyadic investigation of exercise support between cardiac patients and spouses. Health Psychology, 24(4), 430-434.
Artinian, N. T., Washington, O. G. M., Flack, J. M., Hockman, E., & Jen, K-L., (2006). Depression, stress and blood pressure in urban African American women. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 21(2), 68-75.
Franks, M. M., Stephens, M. A., Rook, K. S., Franklin, B. A., Keteyian, S. J., & Artinian, N. T. (2006). Spouses’ provision of health-related support and control to patients participating in cardiac rehabilitation. Journal of Family Psychology, 20(2), 311-318.
Artinian, N. T. (2007). Telehealth as a tool for enhancing care for patients with cardiovascular disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(1), 25-31.
Artinian, N. T., Washington, O. G. M., Flack, J. M., Hockman, E., & Jen, K-L., (2006). Depression, stress and blood pressure in urban African American women. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 21(2), 68-75.
Taylor, J. Y., Washington, O. G. M., Artinian, N. T., & Lichtenberg, P. (2007). Parental stress among African American parents and grandparents. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 28, 373-387.
Jen, K.-L., C., Brogan, K, Washington, O. G. M., Flack, J. M., & Artinian, N. T. (2007). Poor nutrient intake and high obese rate in an urban African American population with hypertension. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 26(1), 57-65.
Taylor, J.Y., Washington, G.M., Artinian, N. T., & Lichtenberg, P. (2007). Urban hypertensive African American grandparents: Stress, health and implications of child care. Clinical Gerontologist, 30(4), 39-54.
Artinian, N. T., Flack, J. M., Nordstrom, C. K., Hockman, E. H. Washington, O. G. M., Jen, K-L, C, Fathy, M. (2007).Effects of nurse-managed telemonitoring on blood pressure at 12-months follow-up among African Americans. Nursing Research, 56(5), 312-322.
Artinian, N. T., Warnecke, R., Kelly, K., Weiner, J., Long, J. A., Flack, J. M., Eschbach, K., Furumoto-Dawson, A., Hankin, J., DeGraffenreid, C. (2007). Advancing the science of health disparities research. Ethnicity & Disease, 17(3), 427-433.
Artinian, N. T., Denison, D., & Nordstrom, C. (2007). Collecting data by telephone from low-income African Americans. Applied Nursing Research, 20(4), 195-199.
Kauric-Klein, Z., & Artinian, N. T. (2007). Improving blood pressure control in hypertensive hemodialysis patients. Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses & Technologists, 17(4).
Denis, J.P., Markey, M. A., Johnston, K. A., Vander Wal, J. S., & Artinian, N. T. (2008). The role of stress and social support in predicting depression among a hypertensive African American sample. Heart & Lung, 37(2), 105-112.
Pickering T.G., Miller N.H., Ogedegbe G., Krakoff L.R., Artinian, N.T., & Goff D. American Heart Association; American Society of Hypertension, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association. Hypertension, 52(1), Epub 2008 May 22.
Taylor J.Y., Washington O.G., Artinian, N.T., & Lichtenberg P. (2008). Relationship between depression and specific health indicators among African American parents and grandparents. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 23(2), 68-78.
Buchholz, S. W., & Artinian, N. T. (2009). Dimensions of physical activity in African American women. Health Care for Women International, 30(4), 308-323.
Klymko, K. W., Artinian, N. T., Washington, O. G. M., Lichtenberg, P. A., & Vander Wal, J. S. (2008). Effect of impaired cognition on hypertension outcomes in older urban African Americans. MEDSURG Nursing: The Journal of Adult Health, 17(6), 405-410.
Valdez-Lowe, C., Ghareeb, S.A., & Artinian, N.T. (2009). Pulse oximetry in adults. American Journal of Nursing, 109(6), 52-59.
Artinian, N.T., Abrams, J., Keteyian S.J., Franks M.M., Franklin B., Pienta A., Tkatch R., Cuff L., Alexander P., & Schwartz S. (2009). Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 29(1), 24-31.
Tkatch, R., Artinian, N.T., Abrams J., Mahn J.R., Franks M.M., Keteyian S.J., Franklin B., Pienta A., & Schwartz S. (2010). Social network and health outcomes among African American cardiac rehabilitation patients. Heart & Lung, Jul 31 Epub ahead of print.
Artinian, N.T., Fletcher G.F., Mozaffarian D., Kris-Etherton P., Van Horn L., Lichtenstein A.H., Kumanyika S., Kraus W.E., Fleg J.L., Redeker N.S., Meininger J.C., Banks J., Stuart-Shor E.M., Fletcher B.J., Miller T.D., Hughes S., Braun L.T., Kopin L.A., Berra K., Hayman L.L., Ewing L.J., Ades P.A., Durstine J.L., Houston-Miller N., & Burke L.E. Interventions to promote physical activity and dietary lifestyle changes for cardiovascular risk factor reduction in adults: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 122(4) 406-441.
Artinian, N. T., & Franklin, B. (2010). Counseling African Americans in Cardiac Rehabilitation: Implications for Comprehensive Lifestyle Modification. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 4(6), 490-499.
Klymko, K. W., Artinian, N. T., Peters, R. M., & Lichtenberg, P. A. (2011). Personal characteristics and cognition in older African Americans with hypertension. Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 22(2), 1-10.
Aronow, W.S., Fleg, J.L., Pepine, C.J., Artinian, N.T., Bakris, G., Brown, A.S., Ferdinand, K.C., Ann Forciea, M., Frishman W.H., Jaigobin C., Kostis J.B., Mancia G., Oparil S., Ortiz E., Reisin E., Rich M.W., Schocken D.D., Weber M.A., Wesley D.J., Harrington R.A., Bates E.R., Bhatt D.L., Bridges C.R., Eisenberg M.J., Ferrari V.A., Fisher J.D., Gardner T.J., Gentile F., Gilson M.F., Hlatky M.A., Jacobs A.K., Kaul S., Moliterno D.J., Mukherjee D., Rosenson R.S., Stein J.H., Weitz H.H., & Wesley D.J. (2011). ACCF/AHA 2011 Expert Consensus Document on Hypertension in the Elderly A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents Developed in Collaboration With the American Academy of Neurology, American Geriatrics Society, American Society for Preventive Cardiology, American Society of Hypertension, American Society of Nephrology, Association of Black Cardiologists, and European Society of Hypertension. Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, 5(4):259-352.
Aronow W.S., Fleg J.L., Pepine C.J., Artinian. N.T., Bakris G., Brown A.S., Ferdinand K.C., Ann Forciea M., Frishman W.H., Jaigobin C., Kostis J.B., Mancia G., Oparil S., Ortiz E., Reisin E., Rich M.W., Schocken D.D., Weber M.A., & Wesley, D.J. (2011).ACCF/AHA 2011 Expert Consensus Document on Hypertension in the Elderly. American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents; American Academy of Neurology; American Geriatrics Society; American Society for Preventive Cardiology; American Society of Hypertension, American Society of Nephrology; Association of Black Cardiologists; European Society of Hypertension. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 57(20):2037-114.
Aronow W.S., Fleg J.L., Pepine C.J., Artinian, N.T., Bakris G., Brown A.S., Ferdinand K.C., Forciea M.A., Frishman W.H., Jaigobin C., Kostis J.B., Mancia G., Oparil S., Ortiz E., Reisin E., Rich M.W., Schocken D.D., Weber M.A., & Wesley D.J. (2011). ACCF/AHA 2011 Expert Consensus Document on Hypertension in the Elderly: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents. Circulation, 123(21):2434-506.
Buis, L.R., Artinian, N.T., Schwiebert, L., Yarandi, H., & Levy, P.D. (2015). Text Messaging to Improve Hypertension Medication Adherence in African Americans: BPMED Intervention Development and Study Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols 4(1):e1
Pozehl, B.J., Duncan, K., Hertzog, M., McGuire, R., Norman J.F., Artinian, N.T., & Keteyian, S.J. Study of adherence to exercise in heart failure: the HEART camp trial protocol. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 2014 Nov 29;14:172.
Gleason-Comstock, J., Streater, A., Jen, C. K-L., Artinian, N. T., Timmins, J., Baker, S., Bosede, J., & Paranjpe, A. (2013). Consumer Health Information Technology in an Adult Public Health Primary Care Clinic: A Heart Health Education Feasibility Study. Patient Education and Counseling, 93(3), 464-471.
Pearson, T., Palaniappan, L., Artinian, N., Carnethon, M., Criqui, M., Daniels, S. R., Fonarow, G. C., Franklin, B., Galloway, J., Goff, D., Heath, G., Holland Frank, A., Kris-Etherton, P., Labarthe, D., Murabito, J., Sacco, R., Sasson, C., & Turner, M. (2013). American Heart Association Guide for Improving Cardiovascular Health at the Community Level. Circulation, 127(16), 1730-1753.
Klymko, K. W., Artinian, N. T., Price, J., Abele, C., & Washington, O. G.M. (in press). Self-care production experiences in elderly African Americans with Hypertension and Cognitive difficulty. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.
Honors and Awards
In 2014, Dr. Artinian received the Katharine A. Lembright Award from the American Heart Association (AHA) Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing. This award is among the highest awards of the AHA.
Dr. Artinian served as Chair of the CVSN Council's Scientific Sessions Programming Committee from 2012-2014.
Current Research
Recent Research Funding:
- Principal Investigator, Nurse-managed BP telemonitoring with African Americans. National Institutes of Health (R01 NR007682-04). $1,340,900, 2001-2006.
- Minority supplement for R01 NR007682-02S1 for a graduate research assistant. $78,115, 2001-2004.
- Co-Principal Investigator of the Center for Urban and African American Health (Flack J. M. PI), NIH/NIES, Grant #1 P50 ES012395-01, Award amount: $5.9 million, 2004-2008.
- Principal Investigator, A Dyad Intervention With Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients, NIH/NIES, 1 P50 ES012395-01.
- Socio-behavioral Training and Research [STaR] program for Nursing College Students (1R25 NR013160-01A1, PIs Artinian and Li); 9/21/12-8/31/2014; The purpose of the STaR program is to: a) enhance and expand the research skills of undergraduate nursing students with the goal of improving their ability to transition to either research work environments and/or graduate studies sooner rather than later; and b) provide research training to undergraduate students from a diversity of backgrounds who are underrepresented in the health-related sciences. Award Amount: $40,000, 2012-2014.
Current Research Funding:
- Co-Investigator, Text Messaging to Improve Hypertension Medication Adherence in African Americans, AHRQ (R21 HS019092-01, Buis PI); 09/30/10-09/29/12; $297,224.00.
- Co-Principal Investigator, Eating for Heart Health (E4H2): A Kiosk-Based Public Health Education and Primary Care Feasibility Study; Wayne State University Cardiovascular Research Institute Award, Gleason-Comstock (PI); 10/01/10-9/30/10; $21,696.00.
- 2015-2016: Reducing Heart Disease in Detroit: A Community Outreach Approach. (PI, Gleason-Comstock, J.; Artinian, N. T., co-investigator). Funded by the Detroit Medical Center Foundation, Award Amount: $98,780, 01/01/15-12/31/15. In partnership with the Community Health Awareness Group, the aim of one-group feasibility study is to help underserved residents of Detroit through educating them about their risk of heart disease.
- 2012-2017: Promoting Adherence to Exercise in Patients with Heart Failure (R01 HL112979- 01, PI Pozehl, B, Artinian N. T. Site PI.); 4/01/12-3/31/17; The objective of this randomized trial is to improve long-term adherence to exercise behavior in African American and white patients with HF; Award amount: $3.36 million.
Courses Taught