Lily H. Siegert Endowed Faculty Research Award
The Lily H. Siegert Endowed Faculty Research Award was established by her family in recognition of her accomplishments and devotion to the field of nursing. The purpose of this award is to encourage research by junior faculty members who demonstrate a significant contribution to the College of Nursing.
The Lily H. Siegert Endowed Faculty Research Award provides supplemental funding for legitimate research expenses (e.g., the purchase of supplies and equipment, instrument costs, data entry, tape transcription, or lab costs) to support an existing research project.
Award Information
- One award of $1,500 will be made each year
- The term of the award is 12 months; a final project report is due within 60 days of project completion
- All pre-tenure members of the College of Nursing faculty
- Applicants must have made a significant contribution to the College of Nursing (e.g., internal/external funding, publication record, professional recognition for research, research reviewer, study panel member)
- Applicants must not have received a Lily H. Siegert Endowed Faculty Research Award the previous year
Application Process
All pre-tenure members of the College of Nursing faculty are eligible apply for this award. In addition, senior faculty members may nominate an outstanding junior faculty member for this award. A complete application packet must include the following:
- Application cover sheet, signed by the applicant, the applicant's associate dean and the nominating faculty member, if applicable
- Description of research project, including specific aims/purpose, approach, research environment/available resources, the significance of the contribution to nursing
- Proposed budget with justification
All completed applications must be submitted to the Office of Health Research, 317 Cohn. Inquiries concerning this award should be directed to the Office for Health Research.