Patterns in Research of Identity, Disparities, and Experiences (PRIDE) Lab

Driven by a commitment to health equity for all, the PRIDE Lab delves into the intricate relationships between adverse social contexts and their impact on health outcomes, with a specific focus on sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals. However, our research extends beyond SGM health, informing broader understandings of health disparities and resilience across diverse populations.

Leveraging robust, nationally representative survey data across time, our team conducts rigorous research that uncovers current trends, identifies disparities and inequities, and dissects the mediating and moderating influences at play within the social context-health outcome relationship. This deeper understanding, including explorations of potential biomarkers, equips us with the knowledge to develop targeted, effective interventions with maximum impact.

Our commitment to data-driven solutions informs our mission to shed light on the profound impact of social contexts on SGM health, social mobility and overall well-being. This foundational knowledge serves as the vital first step, paving the way for informed intervention modification and development. It is through this continuous dialogue between research and real-world application that we strive to create a future where every SGM individual, and indeed, every individual facing health inequities, can thrive.

Join us in championing health equity for all. Explore our ongoing research, collaborate with our dedicated team, or support our mission to weave a tapestry of health and well-being for all.


Dr. Marvin A. Solberg, PhD, RN
College of Nursing, Cohn 358
Wayne State University
5557 Cass Avenue
Detroit, MI 48202
(313) 577-0342